Author name: Elli's Kosher Kitchen

What kosher food can I buy in Dubai supermarkets

Travelers often want flexibility in what they eat and where they get their food. Not everyone can afford to eat out every night. While there now are kosher restaurants in Dubai, they are on the higher end in terms of price, and not really affordable as an every night solution for the average family. I often get asked, what kosher food can I buy in Dubai? Where can I buy meat? Is the bread in the supermarket kosher? Can I drink the milk?

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Arabian Gulf Baked Fish

In the parts of the Arabian Gulf along the coast, fish was consumed frequently as it was easily accessible to people who were historically pearl divers and fisherman. A popular fish in the Arabian Gulf is the hamour. It is quite a large fish with firm white flesh. However, it has been over fished and today is a protected species. This recipe can be made with Sea Bass, Cod or Seam Bream, as I have done here.

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